Vision and values

EurOMA seeks to be the European association of choice for scholars of operations management. Through a combination of networking, conferences and educational events we will continue to develop and nurture a community that is…

  • Scholarly - focused on creating scholarly knowledge and insights.
  • Relevant - exploring topics and problems that are practically relevant.
  • Empirical - engaged in studies that are empirically driven.
  • Inclusive - involving scholars from across the globe interested in Operations Management.
  • Open - to different research methodologies and topics of study.
  • Stimulating - an environment that stimulates its participants.
  • Challenging - a community that supportively challenges the members.


  • EurOMA will continue to develop and deliver a range of value-added member services.
  • EurOMA will continue to provide opportunities for EurOMA members to network and engage with one another.
  • EurOMA will continue to create opportunities for members to develop their professional skills.
  • EurOMA will continue to attract new members, particularly focusing on key European countries where we are under-represented (France and Germany).
  • EurOMA will seek opportunities to build the brand and identity of Operations Management in the wider academic, policy and industrial community.