EurOMA Events


Early Career Workshop

Young Scholars Workshop

Targeted at young academics in general and alumni of the EurOMA Doctoral Seminar in particular, the EurOMA Early Career Workshop is conceived as a way to support the career development of young scholars in the field of operations management (OM) by teaching and sharing with them major skills
needed in an academic career. Important skills are related to:

  • MSc and PhD students.
  • Teaching OM to MSc and MBA students.
  • Designing and developing research projects in OM.
  • Developing your career – managing your way through academia.
  • Developing theoretically rigorous and managerially relevant OM research.

Each year one of the above subjects is developed on a rolling base. At the same time, the initiative is aimed at developing the community of young OM scholars, stimulating network development, and providing opportunities to meet and discuss relevant topics.